Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3 years, 4 mos, and 22 days

It dawned on me recently that Adelaide is almost the same age as Sofia was when she had her Fontan surgery.  Then, for some reason, I calculated it out and on March 28th Adelaide will be exactly that age.  Sofia's surgery was almost 2 years ago, which really feels like a long time ago.  I am grateful for that-  that it feels like a long time ago, which means things have been stable.

Sofia has really grown up since her surgery too.  She is not the toddler she was when she had the surgery.  What a difference 2 years makes.  I don't think she really remembers being the hospital much, which is a relief.  When I look at Adelaide, now being the same age Sofia was, I can  remember what it was like to have a small child go through something as big as heart surgery.   Although Adelaide seems to be growing up very fast too, sometimes I look at her and still see the chubby-faced baby she was.  I don't want to relive the feelings of putting a child of any age through surgery again, and definitely not a toddler.  At 3 they're so little, so innocent, and they definitely can't understand why they're feeling bad and why they have to stay in the hospital.  That was one of the things that I found so difficult to manage - the feeling of sadness in her and the lack of answers that I wanted to give her for her unspoken questions:  when will she feel better? when will she get to go home?  why is this happening?

Having experienced this with a toddler and knowing how unfair things can be, it makes recent events particularly hard right now.  I know one family who just lost their 2 year old boy after waiting for a new heart for several weeks.  It felt like my heart literally broke in two when I found out that Weston was gone.  The ache I feel for his mom is just overwhelming.  To hear that he was feeling sad in his last days makes me think how much it must have been unbearable for his parents to endure.  And to try to explain him being gone, well there is no explanation.  Nothing will be the same for her again, and nothing can take away the grief.  It's a place my own mind has wandered to, but one that my mind couldn't really ever let myself actually imagine because it is just truly unimagineable.  And another family we know is waiting to see if their 4 year old is going to be listed for a transplant due to recent and sudden heart failure.  Impossible to really know what that feels like either.  I do know it would be utterly terrifying and has had me on high alert.  Sofia has been doing so well, however, we know she has a chronic condition that we are always going to up against.  As a parent, you like to think you're a step ahead of arising problems because you're on top of things and you're so involved in your child's care, but I have seen how things can change in an instant.  Things out of your control.  Things that happen to families even when they've done everything right.  I have definitely been counting our blessings these last few weeks and praying for these families who are hurting.

Speaking of blessings, we are quickly approaching the arrival of #3, which brings me much happiness and excitement.  It is only a matter of a couple short weeks and the anticipation is permeating my days.  I am ready for this.  The girls are excited to meet "our baby."  I am ready to experience this again and have another baby to love and meet this new addition to our family.  The girls ask me almost daily now if the baby is going to be born soon.  It will be soon!  Here we go!!

Adelaide and cousin Amelia

Sofia and cousin Camryn

Grandma and her entourage (minus 2)

Friday, March 7, 2014


... has been good.

We are busily preparing for our new arrival in April.  Only a few weeks left!  Emily and T.J. had a baby girl last weekend, so that makes 7 granddaughters for my parents.  0 grandsons.  Charlotte is a little beauty and so happy for Em and T.J. and big sister Amelia.  It was nice to be there at the hospital and hold this sweet niece.  It also got me thinking that I don't have much time left!  It's been 3 1/2 years since I've had a newborn.  It may seem like that's not really a long time, but for me it's like I've forgotton everything!  Can't wait to have this baby in my arms and see what it is.  Gender is still unknown, which is what we wanted.   But now I feel ready to find out!  The girls are getting very excited - it must seem like an eternity to them.

We still have our house listed for sale...not much action there.  I feel like I can't focus on selling a house and having a baby at the same time because they are definitely things that in my mind don't go  together!  We are in the process of figuring out where Sofia will be starting Kingergarten in the fall.  If we're still in our house, then she will be going to one of two private schools.  It feels like there is a lot up in the air right now.  At least we have lots of options and I'm sure that whatever happens will be fine. 

Sofia and Adelaide are now sharing a room and Adelaide has done really well in her "big girl bed."  We built their beds this summer, but Adelaide was doing so well still in her crib in her room that we let her stay in it.  However, with baby coming, she's kind of gotten evicted from her room, but she and Sofia are doing really well together and the bedtime routine has actually really improved!  They are doing really well sharing a room and I couldn't be happier that they're actually going to sleep at night without getting out of their beds.

So I figured I'd neutralize Adelaide's old room and convert it back to a nusery. I love th way the baby's room turned out.  Very sweet.  Thanks Pinterest for all the crafty ideas.  Now it is ready for a little occupant!


I am planning to work up until the date I deliver, so I know it'll be a busy, but probably exhausting few weeks.  I am really looking forward to a spring/summer maternity leave.  Sofia and Adelaide both were born in the winter and I felt like cabin fever was difficult to deal with.  The snow can't melt fast enough for me, and what a winter it has been this year!  Thankfully, everyone has stayed healthy and I can't complain.  Sofia has frequent blood draws to check her INR as she's on coumadin, but we've managed.  She is doing really well health wise and I am very grateful for that! 

enjoying dance class

baby Charlotte

loving the Olympics
sweet girl Sofia