Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Ahhh, I'm sitting with the laptop on the couch.  This is an accomplishment, as I usually have a baby in my arms or at the boob.  And I'm usually jugging the iPad or the phone which are not nearly as easy to type on.  We'll see how long this lasts and if I can actually finish an entry.  It is 8 o'clock, which has been known as her fussy hour.  Presently though she's swinging away sleeping peacefully.

And I'm typing from our apartment.  Yep, our apartment.  We sold our house!  Eek.  We sold our house.  This is also an accomplishment since we had a bit of a rollercoaster ride to get there.  We have been in our new place for about a two weeks now.  Please remind me -after we are moved again into a new house- how hellacious this move was.  I never want to do it again.  We haven't found a new house yet, so we're temporarily renting an apartment.  It was kind of interesting to go from house to apartment.  And by interesting I really mean scary, exciting, stressful, adventurous.  It is 3 bedrooms and a good size for an apartment, and we had done what I thought was an admirable job of downsizing and purging "stuff," but we still had a lot.  We were able to store some things off site and didn't move everything into the new place.  I'm trying not to open all the boxes here and unpack as we hope to only be here 6 months max.  It was a strange feeling when we saw someone else with a U-Haul truck in "our" driveway unpacking.  I've driven by as we still have friends in the neighborhood and Emily lives just on the other side of the development, and I feel a bit like I'm stalking an ex-boyfriend or something!  It's not my place anymore, but it was for nearly 8 years.  What has helped me feel better about this whole thing is how well the girls are taking the move.  I thought they'd miss the house, but surprisingly they've hardly mentioned it.  If they were begging to go home, it'd pull at my heartstrings.  The only time I felt emotional about the move was when I stood in their empty bedroom for the first time.  We started and completed our family in this home.  Brought all our tiny babies home to this home.  But we are ready to move on and find that next new place that hopefully will be our forever home and the ones the girls really call home. 

I'm wrapping up my maternity leave.  Work has been way at the back of my mind because of how much we have going on.  Emily went back to work a week and a half ago and I lost my maternity leave buddy.  And one of my close work friends is leaving for a new job before I return, which has made me not want to think about work either.  Things had finally settled down enough that I was able to stop in at work today and introduce my coworkers to Evelyn.  It felt easy.  I don't think I'll have a problem going back in 2.5 weeks.  I do have some of the greatest coworkers that will make this easy for me.  Let's just hope Evelyn makes this easy for me.  She is, of course, very attached to me.  And I to her.  She has been sleeping about 5 hour stretches at night.  Some nights are better than others. 

Uh oh.  Baby awake and fussing.  She's now laying on me - not sure how long this will last.  I wanted to lastly update on Sofia and Evelyn's cardiology appointment.  I took them both solo the week of the move.  Dr. Edwards listened to both of them.  He said Evelyn's murmur was soft and he wouldn't expect the gradient across her pulmonary valve to be over 20 mmHg.  It was 12-14 at her initial appointment in April.  It was expected to rise a little, for reasons I can't seem to really remember - I think it was as her pulmonary pressures stabilized in her newborn period.  Anyway, an echo was done and it was measured at about 20-25, which is still categorized as trivial/mild.  It will be important where she is at 6 months as it's likely that where she is there is probably where she will stay.  If it's still mild, she will probably not ever need intervention.  We will hope and pray until then that this is the case.  She is such a loveable baby and she is changing daily.  At 2 months she is 11.5 lbs.  That is 60th percentile for weight and she's 97th percentile for length.  She's going to be a tall drink of water.  She is now 9.5 weeks old and she's interacting so much more now.  Smiling and cooing.  Very cute.  Just in time for me to leave in a few weeks and go back to work.  Boo. 

Sofia also had an echo.  It is always tricky with her anatomy to see all everything really well, but things appeared to look good.  We talked about doing a sedated MRI sometime in the future.  Not in any hurry, but an eventual thing.  At about 10 years old is when they wouldn't need to be under general anesthesia, but before then it's very hard for a child to be completely still for 45 minutes.  And he would like to have one before she's 10, so she'll have to be out for it.  Again, no hurry, but it'll be another tool that would likely produce better images than echo.  She has done better with the regulating of Coumadin over the past few blood draws.  Hopefully that is a trend that will continue.   She has been so active, especially with the weather being nicer that we've seen more bruising on her "summer legs."  She and Adelaide are both taking swim lessons this summer and it is a sport I hope to see her continue because it's good for her body.  She is such a little fish in the water.

I can't believe how grown up Sofia and Adelaide are becoming.  Sofia is 5 1/2 and is going to kindergarten in August.  We chose a school, St. Gabriel's, and I'm really excited to see her start school.  Also, can't really believe she's going to school.  My baby!  And Adelaide.  It is so much fun to watch this girl.  She is a ball of energy and sass.  She is so smart and is growing up so quickly. 

Ok, baby is really fussing now and it's taken me about an hour to write a paragraph.  So more updates and more pictures hopefully in the near future!


goodbye house!