It was nice to be back home again. This rollercoster of a month (going on two) is not as much physically draining as it has been emotionally draining. That reminds me that today it has been 4 weeks from Sofia's surgery. Wow. Feels like a whirlwind.
Yesterday we were back at the main campus for a surgical follow up. She had an x-ray, echo, and appt. with the surgical nurse scheduled. After the two tests, we waited in the exam room for about 40 minutes before Dr. Stewart (surgeon) came and in and told us there more fluid. He showed me the x-ray, still has fluid on right side, and the echo. He seemed defeated by this. Maybe not defeated, but just a little disappointed that it came back. He had us wait while he and the cardiologist talked things over and weighed the choices of admitting her and putting her on IV lasix or seeing if we could change her at home meds and letting her go home with the condition that she come back for follow up Friday (tomorrow) morning. After discussing with the cardiologist who did they echo, they were satisfied with the decision to let her go. Her heart function is good and the fluid hadn't gotten worse around the heart. They added another diuretic (diuril), which she has to take in addition to the lasix and let her go home. She hates the taste of lasix and gagged and threw it up yesterday. From here on out, we are going to have to only mix with juice to get her to take it. Anyway, I think Dr. Stewart was expecting to see her looking like she wasn't feeling well, but they said that she looks good in spite of the results. And she was very energetic today. Hard to gauge when she's not feeling well because she's not exhibiting symptoms of this fluid accumulation.
Really hoping that something changes by tomorrow morning and that things look good. I'm packing an overnight bag just in case.
Adelaide had her 18 month check up on Tuesday (she turned 19 months old yesterday). She didn't even cry when she got her one shot. She's such a big girl! She is repeating everything you tell her and she's putting two words together. She is 26 lb. 3 oz. and is in the 85th percentile for weight and 87th for height. Growing up so fast. Her hair seems to be turning blonde, but I hope she keeps the strawberry. She definitely has the red headed temperament!

ReplyDeleteI recently started following your blog. My daughter Gracie had the Fontan in April. I am so sorry to hear about the effusions!! Fingers crossed that fluid is going to diminish soon. I did want to share a trick on the lasix. Gracie hated the taste of that liquid stuff, she would throw up every time :( I ended up getting the lasix in a pill form, and I would grind it up with a pill crusher and sprinkle in on chocolate ice cream. Worked like a charm! Never had a problem getting her to take lasix again.
Goodness! The runaround poor Sofia's body is giving/getting is exhausting to read about - I can't imagine being on the front lines! I hope and pray she has a good visit tomorrow and that overnight bag is unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteI hope the appointment went well today and that you all are happily at home!