Sofia just started 1st grade at a new school, as we're now settled into our new school district. She has a very sweet teacher and she seems to be enjoying it. We have a meet the teacher night this week to hear more about her class and the curriculum. I'm interested to find out what she'll be learning and doing this year. Adelaide will begin 3 day per week preschool after Labor Day. She really wishes she was starting Kindergarten and got to ride the bus with Sofia, but there is no rush. She has 1 more year. Sofia was gone for maybe an hour when Adelaide asked when she'd be home. For as much as they fight, they sure do miss each other when they're aparat.
Sofia had a her annual gastroenterology appointment in July. Her gallstones are unchanged and she had an ultrasound and blood work to check on things. She complains of stomach aches, but not really sure what is causing them. We'll just keep watching.
She also had her annual neurology appointment. She is doing well in all areas of her development. She no longer will have to complete a phycial therapy assessment because she's not having any issues. At this appointment, the doctor noticed that she may have minor scoliosis of her spine. We will keep on top of that. He wasn't sure if it was just the way she was standing or if it is a curve developing, but her medical chart indicates a new diagnosis. Poor girl. No more new diagnoses please. Of course, scoliosis is more common in CHD patients and from what I've read, especially with cyanotic defects like Sofia's.
We see her cardiologist in November.
Evelyn continues to keep us busy. She is now 16 months and a little busy body. She is becoming more verbal - saying uh-oh, up, da-da, hot, arf, and sings two words of twinkle twinkle little star (the "up above" the world so high part). She is still a little peanut and has no baby chub on her. She has very red hair (maybe even more so than Adelaide's at this age?) and has sweet Hazel eyes. We'll go for her 15 month appt (late- oops. third child!) on Monday. At this age she is still very much a mama's girl. She is a good sleeper. Some of her favorite foods - bananas, rice, peaches, waffles. She really likes anything that is a tomato, rice, and meat combination, like Oliver's stuffed peppers. She has a squeal like no other (read: screech), but she's so sweet and loving too. She is just fun to watch at this age - very inquisitive.
We've gotten much done in and around the house. That has really been keeping me busy - the painting especially. We have now painted the kitchen, family room, entryway, master bedroom, Evelyn's room, Sofia & Adelaide's room, and all the trim in those rooms and the upstairs hall. Plus now we've done the shutters and front door. We are getting it done and this makes me happy. In November it'll be a year since we've bough the house and although we haven't done real renovation work, mostly just cosmetic updates, we've definitely given things a face lift. We've definitely settled in and we love it.
We had a nice family reunion in August and got to catch up with lots of family. We also celebrated our 12 year anniversary. It was a nice summer. Bring on fall.
Evie and me at the beach
from 6 months to 6 years!
"triple" sandwich - avocado, egg, and tomato
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