Admitted: 5-10-12
Discharged: 5-20-12!
It is nice to have Sofia back at home, and I'm sure she feels happy to be back home. We left the Clinic at about 3:30 yesterday afternoon, so she had some time to play and enjoy being back home before going to bed. She slept pretty well last night. She woke up at about 3 AM just tossing and turning but said that nothing hurt, but after a few minutes of this I could tell she had some pain. After a dose of tylenol she went right back to sleep. Oliver was with her today, and I returned to work. So hard leaving her today. I thought I would at least have a few days with her at home before I went back, but I expect to be taking off some time next week and the following week to be with her when Oliver starts his new job. So she apparently had a good day today. I liked seeing her play today and resume some normal activities. She is on a 1/2 liter of oxygen, hopefully just until her post-op visit on Wednesday where it will be determined if she can come off it. It would certainly make getting around and recovering easier, but she doesn't seemed bothered by it, so that is good. Grateful she is back home!!
visiting her friends!
She looks so amazing! What a great recovery and such an inspiration.