Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm going to try just to make this a quick update because it's already Tuesday night and I have a lot to do before surgery on Thursday! Pre-op went well today. We had to pre-register for Thurs. and then Sofia had to get a chest x-ray, EKG, seen by surgical nurse and cardiologist and get blood work. Things went pretty smoothly until the blood work. I'm pretty sure she had a trainee try to draw blood, which resulted in having to go to the other arm by a different person to get the draw. Poor Fia. She was screaming by the end of it. All was forgotten though when we stopped for frozen yogurt on the way home. We didn't really learn anything new while we were there. Their plan is to extubate in the OR, which is good. We have to be at the Clinic at 6:15 on Thursday morning, which means we'll leave around 5:15, which means I'll be getting up way before the sun comes up. We are almost there. I'm working on getting laundry done tonight. My mother-in-law comes in from Toronto tomorrow night, who will be watching Adelaide at home for us. My sister Kate is coming in from Pittsburgh tomorrow night and will sit and wait with us at the hospital on Thursday. My parents will come up to the hospital too. My sister Emily will come up whenever we need her. Thank God for for family and friends! Sofia received a lot of nice gifts and new things to play with while she is recovering and I know so many people are thinking about her. Will update more probably on Thursday during our wait. Say an extra prayer this week for Sofia.

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